Style : Specialty Beer
Location : United States - Tennessee
Brewery : Bohannon
Facts about Vanilla Creme Ale
vanilla creme ale, which smells and tastes like an old-fashioned vanilla cream soda.
Vanilla Creme Ale - this beer smells like candy, which depending on what you want out of beer may be a good thing or not. I was open to the possibilities.
Vanilla Creme Ale clone (Jul/Aug 2002) * Homebrew rendition of this vanilla flavored ale from Nashville's Market Street Pub.
Vanilla Creme Ale - This beer smells like candy.
Vanilla Creme Ale - This beer smells like candy. It had been a few years since I had it and I tried it as if for the first time.
Vanilla Creme Ale Raccoon River Brewing European Low-Alcohol Lager * Winter Tilt FestivAle Empyrean Brewing Company Belgian Brown Ale
Vanilla Creme ale which is light and sweet to their delicious IPA, Humulus Lupulus.