Style : Golden or Blonde Ale
Location : United States - California
Brewery : Sunset Beach
Facts about Sunset Blonde
Sunset blonde Category: Entertainment Tags: * jennifer * stano * sarah * stage * rachel * bernstein * alki * david * sexy * bikinis * have
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Sunset Blonde Kandy Girl Spotlight Sunset Blonde Rachel Bernstein - She has turned Sunset Blvd.’s moniker Boulevard of Broken Dreams into her own Inspiration Blvd.
Sunset Blonde, Thunderstorm August Schell Dampfbier, Firebrick, Dark Summit Extra Pale Ale, Hefe Weizen, Pilsener Surly Bender, Furious, CynicAle, Coffee Bender, Hell (Munich Helles), Two Oak, Darkness 2008, Smoke 2007, Bourbon One Real Ale: Barley John’s Belgian
Sunset Blonde for dark to light hair, Gentle Auburn for dark to light hair, Rich Rose for dark hair only, Soft Bronze for dark to light hair, Brick Red
Sunset BlondeGolden or Blonde Ale * Date: May 8, 1995 (#951)Package: draughtPlace: at the breweryScore: 15 pointsOverall Impression Yellow, clear, low carbonation.
sunset blonde, no longer terribly blonde, but not yet full on brunette. That converstation still makes me smile.