Style : Scottish-Style Export Ale
Location : United States - Wisconsin
Brewery : Great Dane (Downtown)
Facts about Stone of Scone Scotch Ale
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Stone of Scone Scotch Ale from the Great Dane Robin Shepard on Wednesday 11/21/2007 1:01 pm Slainte Mhor!GallerySlainte Mhor! Credit:Kristian KnutsenArticle Tools:Read moreRead more Beer items Email this articleEmail this
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale Named for the stone upon which Scottish kings were crowned, our Scotch Ale represents a tradition of brewing excellence.
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale by Great Dane Pub & Brewing Company at Great Dane Pub & Brewing Company * Rating:
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale Great Dane Pub & Brewing Company Wee Heavy * Tommy's Porter Lake Louie Brewing
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale was a winner." (in 8 reviews) user photo "I enjoy the falafel sandwich and the peanut stew." (in 11 reviews) Loading...
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale 85, Great Dane Old Scratch Barleywine 96, Great Dane Velvet Hammer 74, Great Dane Emerald Isle Stout 71, Great Dane Texas Speedbump IPA 92, Great Dane Door County
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale, though it kicks me in the pants - at my age, I don't have much head for beer any more.
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale* The Grumpy Troll, Mt Horeb, WI / Booth 22 Hoppa Loppa IPA Amnesia Baltic Porter North Star Black Lager Ryebernate Ale Hinterland Brewery, Green Bay, WI / Booth 9 Maple Bock Luna Stout IPA Premium Tasting Exclusive: Saison House of Brews, Madison, WI / Booth 95 Snug Oatmeal Stout Standing Stones Scotch Ale Cellar Dark Ale Full House
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale is always on tap and is phenomenal), watch the brewmasters at work, and have a couple pints while noshing on a fantastic, home-style chicken pot
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale and showing off our new shoes we got at Jack’s.
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale * Emerald Isle Stout (Nitro) * Imperial IPA * Black Earth Porter (Seasonal) * Mallards Ale (Seasonal) For the most part, I drank the beers in the order shown above with the exception of the seasonals which I put in their respective classes.
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale Great Divide Claymore Scotch Ale Great Lakes Highlander Scottish Ale Great Lakes Loch Erie Scotch Ale Great Waters Piper Down Scotch Ale Great
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale Great Dane Pub & Brewing Company Scotch Ale/Wee Heavy Stone Old Guardian Barley Wine Style Ale 2006 Stone Brewing Co.
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale Traditional Strong Scotch Ale United States - Wisconsin 4550 14½ 2002-12-14 Great Dane (Fitchburg) Sugar River ESB English-Style (Extra Special) Strong Bitter United States - Wisconsin
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale, which has caramel and malt flavors, reminds some of Bass. 608-284-0000greatdanepub.comHurley World Travel Co.,
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale Scottish-Style Export Ale United States - Wisconsin 2978 15½ 1998-07-13 Great Dane (Downtown) Brewer's Stock Ale English-Style Pale Mild Ale United States - Wisconsin
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale,Great Dane (Fitchburg) Sugar River ESB,Great Dane (Fitchburg) Verrückte Stadt Pilsner,Great Dane (Madison) Black Earth Porter,Great Dane (Madison) Black Wolf Ale,Great Dane (Madison) Bourbon Barleywine,Great
Stone of Scone Scotch Ale /Great Dane Pub and Brewery, usa Great Dane Sugar River ESB /Great Dane Pub and Brewery, usa Great Dane Uber APA /Great Dane Pub and Brewery, usa