Style : American-Style Amber/Red Ale
Location : United States - Wyoming
Brewery : Sanford's
Facts about Red Line Amber
Red Line Amber American-Style Amber/Red Ale United States - Wyoming 2899 13 1998-06-19 Santa Rosa Hoppy Red Ale American-Style Amber/Red Ale United States - California 726 15½ 1995-01-21 Flatlander's Harvest Amber Ale American-Style Amber/Red Ale United States - Illinois 2643 20 1998-04-04 Dixie Crimson Voodoo Ale American-Style Amber/Red Ale United States - Louisiana 1487
Red Line Amber American-Style Amber/Red Ale Tell Us Whats on Tap! Well, there are no photos yet, so how about the weather near Sanfords Grub And Pub instead...
Red Line Amber Sanford's Grub and Pub Sheridan, Wyoming Amber Ale 62 Cloud's Peak Raspberry Wheat Sanford's Grub and Pub Sheridan, Wyoming Weiss Beer 62 Stillwater Stout Rock Bottom Brewery Minneapolis,
Red Line Amber Ale is brewed at the Sheridan location. This is an unfiltered amber ale. Pours a semi-hazy golden amber brew with a thin off-white head with some spotty lacing.