Style : Irish-Style Red Ale
Location : United States - Wisconsin
Brewery : Gray
Facts about Irish Style Ale
Irish Style Ale - This beer pours a cloudy reddish amber in color with a large, but rapidly dissipating head of light tan foam.
Irish Style Ale (12-02-2011) * 2011 Imperial Pilsner (12-02-2011) * 2011 India Pale Ale (10-02-2011) * 2011 Specialty Single Hop Ale (10-02-2011) * 2011 Fruit Beer (10-02-2011) * 2011 Flavored Lager (10-02-2011) * 2011 Rauchbier (10-02-2011) * 2011 Belgian Style Specialty Ale (10-02-2011) * 2011 Flavored Wheat Beer (10-02-2011) * 2011 Barrel Aged Ale (10-02-2011) * 2011 Specialty Beers (10-02-2011) * 2011 Herb Spice Beer
Irish Style Ale PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Brewmaster Andy Rich, of Penn Brewery, has the attention of visitor Joe Rooney whose grandfather, late Steelers owner Art Rooney, was part of a family tradition that dates back more
"Irish Style Ale without equal in terms of smoothness, flavor, and consistent high standards of quality.
Irish Style Ale Mild Ale Pale Ale Winter Ale Scottish Style Ale Strong Ale Lagers Amber Lager Black Beer Bock Dark Lager Doppelbock Dortmunder Dry Beer Eisbock Ice Beer "Light" & Reduced Calorie Lager Maibock Malt Liquor Munich Helles Non Alcoholic Lager Pale Lager Pilsner Vienna M
Irish Style Ale Great Lakes Brewing Company: Dortmunder Gold, Burning River, Commodore Perry, Edmund Fitzgerald Higher Grounds Trading Company Jolly Pumpkin: Calabaza Blanca, Oro de Calabaza, La Roja,
Irish Style Ale is a special blend of four types of malted barley and three varieties of hops.
Irish Style Ale Gray's Beer - Irish Style Ale Blended with four types of malted barley and three varieties of hops, this ale is characterized by its sweet malty flavor and refreshing light scent.
Irish Style Ale, Frankenmuth brewmaster Jeff Coon is also sending along some new seasonals to wow the crowd.