Style : Barley Wine-Style Ale
Location : United States - Colorado
Brewery : Odell
Facts about India Barleywine
India Barleywine and Gumbo ‘At Home Beer Dinner’ »December 16th, 2009 by joe mohrfeld I am sure many of you fellow craft beer lovers have watched the recent video
India Barleywine Odell Brewing Company Brett Barrel Brown Odell Brewing Company Bourbon Barrel Stout Odell Brewing Company Odell Isolation Ale Odell Brewing Company Freik Odell Brewing Company Crimson Shenanigans Odell Brewing Company Woodcut #3 Odell Brewing
India Barleywine Barley Wine-Style Ale United States - Colorado Odell India Empire Ale English-Style India Pale Ale United Kingdom - Staffordshire Burton Bridge India Pale Ale American-Style India Pale Ale United States - Colorado Breckenridge (Blake) India Pale Ale (IPA)
India Barleywine Barley Wine-Style Ale United States - Colorado 8254 15 2010-06-11 Nøgne Ø Andhrimnir Barley Wine Barley Wine-Style Ale Norway 8253 14 2010-06-11 Crabtree Golden 8 Belgian-Style Pale Strong Ale United States - Colorado 8252 15 2010-06-11 Fort Collins Double Chocolate Stout Chocolate/Cocoa Flavored Beer United States - Colorado 8251 15 2010-06-09 Schell Bock Traditional German-Style Bock United States - Minnesota 8250 17½ 2010-06-09 New Belgium Belgian Style Blond Belgian-Style Pale Strong Ale United States - Colorado 8249 17 2010-06-09 Flying Dog Horn Dog 2010 Barley Wine-Style Ale United States - Maryland 8248 19 2010-06-08 Anchor Old Foghorn 2010 Barley Wine-Style Ale United States - California 8247 17 2010-06-08 Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale 2009 American-Style India Pale Ale United States - California 8246 16 2010-06-08 Abita Abbey Ale
India Barleywine Barley Wine-Style Ale United States - Colorado 8254 15 2010-06-11 CooperSmith's Barleywine Barley Wine-Style Ale United States - Colorado 467 17½ 1994-10-20 Colorado Bison ESB English-Style (Extra Special) Strong Bitter United States - Colorado 1800 14½ 1996-09-28 SandLot Oktoberfest German-Style
India Barleywine as part of Odell Brewing’s new line of single serve offerings. The beer retails for approximately $14.99-$15.
India Barleywine is a unique and complex beer.
india barleywine are really tasty - surprised they arent on there. * I like the list ..
India Barleywine at first, writing it off as a Sierra Nevada Bigfoot clone.
India Barleywine Rating: 86 Style: Barleywine Being Kansas City based has its ups and down.
India Barleywine, followed by an old family recipe for Peanut Butta Pie paired with our Bourban Barrel Stout.
India Barleywine – From Odell Brewing * Odell Brewing Releases Isolation Ale Share This Post * * * *
India Barleywine – From Odell Brewing * Flying Dog Tire Bite Golden Ale * Redhook Treblehook Barley Wine Arriving Soon * Review – Guinness Extra Stout Share This Post * *
India Barleywine go on sale (1 case only) * 1:00 PM Tapping Avery Dry Hopped IPA * 2:00 PM Bottles of Boulevard Bourbon Barrel Quad go
India Barleywine * 2009 GABF Thursday session * Fort Collins Brewery's October 2009 events
India Barleywine, Mountain Standard & Woodcut #3 Sprecher The Czar & Bourbon Doppelbock New Belgium Dark Heather Saison Goose Island Imperial Nut Brown on cask
India Barleywine * Scaldis Noel * Spaten Optimator * Anchor Old Foghorn * Avery Hog Heaven * Bull