Style : Wood- and Barrel-aged Dark Beer
Location : United States - Wisconsin
Brewery : Tyranena
Facts about Devil Over A Barrel
Devil Over a Barrel Jolly Pumpkin, Dark Dawn Madrugada Obscura Boulder Obovoid Empirical Stout Southampton Pumkin Ale Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Fisherman Pumpkin Stout nogne o dark horizon FFF/Mik hvedegoop Odell Woodcut No.
Devil Over A Barrel - Bourbon Barrel-Aged Coffee Imperial Oatmeal Porter (Tyranena Brewing Co) Devil's Horn (Kuhnhenn Brewing Co) Devotion Ale (The Lost Abbey) Dirac (Cigar City)
"Devil Over a Barrel" (that beer rocks!). Also saw Founders Dirty Bastard, a Sprecher and some other cool stuff. Service was very nice and friendly.
Devil Over A Barrel Wood- and Barrel-aged Dark Beer United States - Wisconsin Tyranena Devil's Brew Robust Porter United States - California Devil Mountain (Benicia) Devil's Dubbel Belgian-Style Dubbel
Devil Over A Barrel Tyranena Brewing Home>Gift Shop 94 Germany Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock Brauerei Aying Home>Service/Club>Ayinger-Shop 95 USA California Pizza Port Cuvee de Tomme Port Brewing/Lost Abbey 96 USA Michigan Founders Porter Founders Brewing Company Age Check>Yes>FUN STUFF>Merchandise 97 USA California Russian River Beatification Russian River Brewing Home>Welcome to RussianRiverBrewing.
)Devil Over A BarrelWood- and Barrel-aged Dark Beer * Date: November 6, 2008 (#7532)Package: bottledPlace: Flanagan's Stop and Shop, Appleton WIScore: 20 pointsAppearance (3) Black as night, with a massive
Devil Over A Barrel * Uerige Alt * Uerige DoppelSticke * Unibroue 11 * Unibroue La Fin Du Monde * Unibroue Seigneuriale * Unibroue Terrible * Upstream (Legacy) Espresso Stout *
Devil Over a Barrel * Unibroue Maudite (2004 vintage) * Scotch-Irish Brewing John By Imperial Stout * Duvel * a copy of Great Lakes Brewing News * a cool looking glow-in-the-dark devil mask brentk56 Kegatron * 750 ml
Devil Over A Barrel 12oz * Tyranena Dirty Old Man 12oz * Founders Backwoods Bastard 12oz * the ugly: * Tequiza 12oz Ding DrJay * the good: * Allagash Black * Lagunitas Imperial Stout * the bad: * Sweet Water Motor Boat (nice brew BUT it's a horrible (BAD) interpretation of an ESB) *
Devil Over A Barrel Imperial Oatmeal Coffee Porter Aged in Bourbon Barrels - Scurvy IPA brewed with Orange Peel - Paradise by the Dash Board Lights Doubly Blessed Cherry Porter - Bitter
Devil Over A Barrel * Russian River Brewing's Damnation * Sweetwater IPA * Weyerbacher Brewering's
Devil Over a Barrel Imperial Oatmeal Porter * Local - Tyranena Dirty Old Man Imperial Rye Porter * Local - Tyranena Hop Whore Imperial India Pale Ale * Local - Tyranena Rocky's Revenge * Local - Tyranena Stone Tepee Pale Ale * Local - Viking CopperHead Premium Ruby Lager * Local - Viking Vienna Woods Lager * Local - Viking Weathertop Wheat (Dark) * Local - Viking Whole Stein * Local - Vine Park Brewing Rabid Penguin Porter Blog Archive
Devil Over a Barrel and Scurvy squirreled away just for this event. Food and prizes as per usual. See you there.
Devil Over a Barrel Tyranena made a pretty big splash this fall in Minnesota, and it's continuing into 2009 for me.
Devil Over A Barrel,Tyranena Fighting Finches Bock,Tyranena Shantytown Doppelbock,Tyranena Stone Teepee Pale Ale,Uerige Alt,Uerige DoppelSticke,Uerige Sticke,Uinta Gelande Amber Lager,Uinta IPA,Ukiah Emancipator,Ummendorf 's Angele Pils,Ummendorf 's Blaue Spezial,Ummendorf English Ale,Ummendorf Keller-Bier,Ummendorf Placidus Cobaldus Dunkel,Umpqua No Doubt Stout,Umpqua Summer Wheat,Umpqua White,Unibroue 10,Unibroue 11,Unibroue 15,Unibroue 16,Unibroue 17,Unibroue Blanche de Chambly,Unibroue Blonde de Chambly,Unibroue Don de Dieu,Unibroue Édition 2004,Unibroue Édition 2005,Unibroue Éphémère Blackcurrant,Unibroue Éphémère Cranberry,Unibroue Éphémère Pomme,Unibroue La Bolduc,Unibroue La Fin Du Monde,Unibroue Maudite,Unibroue Noire de Chambly,Unibroue
Devil Over A Barrel: Bourbon Barrel-Aged Coffee IOP, Lake Mills, Wisconsin Three Floyds Brewing Company, Alpha Klaus Xmas Porter, Munster, Indiana Deschutes Brewery, Black Butte Porter, Bend,
Devil Over A Barrel – Bourbon Barrel-Aged Coffee Imperial Oatmeal Porter, Alaskan Smoked Porter 4.
Devil Over A Barrel = (RETIRED) Tyranena BGW Devil Over A Barrel - Imperial/Strong Porter * picture credits copyright may apply Score 100 99 OVERALL Style Formerly brewed at Tyranena Brewing Style: Imperial/Strong Porter Lake Mills, Wisconsin USAServe in Snifter bottling unknown on
Devil Over a Barrel on steroids. Lovely looks, beautiful taste and perfect mouthfeel leave me looking forward to the rest of the bottle and the others that I purchased.
Devil Over a Barrel 84 94 50 8 31 24 Dirty Old Man 84 88 80 7 33 54 Doubly Down 'N Even Dirtier 88 90 86 2 13 16 Down N' Dirty Chocolate Oatmeal Stout 74 80 68 2 16 26 Fargo Brothers Hefeweizen 82 82 82 1 5 5 Fighting Finches Mai Bock 82 82 82 1 2 0 Fruitless Kinda Lambic 1 1 Gemuetlichkeit Oktoberfest 78 78 78 1 4 0 Headless Man Amber Alt 75 82 62 4 11 0 High Class Broad 82 84 80 3 9 3 Hop Whore 84 88 78 4 25 19 Imperial Hefeweizen 92 92 92 1 3 0 La Femme Amere 76 82 70 2 9 11 Oatmeal Stout 1 0 Painted Ladies Pumpkin Spice Ale 82 82 82 1 8 19 Paradise By The Dash Board Lights
Devil Over A Barrel 83 71 77 Southern Tier Choklat 58 97 78 Russian River Beatification 81 89 85 Oskar Blues Ten FIDY