Style : English-Style (Extra Special) Strong Bitter
Location : United States - Colorado
Brewery : Cheshire Cat
Facts about Arrogant Brit
.Arrogant Brit Goes Yachting! The White House staff has harshly criticized BP CEO, Tony Hayward for taking a few weekend hours away from the oil crisis to sail his yacht in a race...
arrogant Brit who is teaching Ibsen a lesson? Not solely. His biography is in places both intelligent and funny. His pen is caustic.
arrogant Brit as retribution for entering the Irish castle.
arrogant Brit that buried this wonderful company. His track record as a “consultant” is abysmal.
arrogant Brit in a badly-fitting helmet rants at us about 'you sold me a ticket so I've got a contract with you'.
arrogant Brit has got his fish and chip holders full!!! MAYHEM FTW!!! 5.
"arrogant Brit" - and most of it seems to be negative. How sad, really. And how very embarrasing for us Americans! A Brit won over an American.
arrogant Brit General ignored the most basic advice of Sun Tzu, who said "Never ever divide your army into two and never fight on two fronts at the same time".
Arrogant Brit, I didn't get to the rest - a good excuse to go back! I also had lunch - an excellent cobb salad. The menu has a wide range of offerings that'll satisfy everybody.
arrogant Brit attitude that makes you hated everywhere you go, whether it's Malta, Spain or the Netherlands.
arrogant Brit?*Wine Enthusiast - I'm not sure what or who's behind this publication, but I pretty much ignore it.
arrogant Brits to speak in such condescending tones about it.
arrogant Brit, thinking our beer is better than your gnats... sorry I meant your beer. Someone red-flag me please.
arrogant Brit but also a Rothchild agent with the intent securing South AFrican diamonds (de Beers). 9:28 PM Anon said...
arrogant Brit is his gimmmick. There isn't a need to add more to it. Just book him as a credible heel and he'll be fine.
arrogant Brit, but I'm nobody's Sahib Nick-H is online now Reply With Quote Reply Login to IndiaMike.
arrogant brits, then be told how we should live, just because he is lucky enough to get a job at some (US) taxpayer funded environment center at KU? We complained to
arrogant Brit insisting that there is a state in the USA called "East Virginia." In the same breath he's telling me that I probably can't find Iraq on a map.
arrogant Brit ***ards are going to realize that yes..."the sun does set on the British Empire"... sorry, that is my forefathers heritage, but, let's check out their coal mining practices???...
arrogant Brit who thinks we still outta rule the world!), more like feeling that there's not as much relevant information.
arrogant Brit but I've had no issues with my "be yourself approach" so full steam ahead maties! * Reply ferrum26 ferrum26May 23, 2010
arrogant Brit who gets a thrill out of making us look bad. He is rude and his condescending tone towards folks is sickening.
arrogant Brit or the American Cowboy will hear the words "You're hired.
arrogant Brit comes in and makes himself look like an asshole.. Oh, wait.
Arrogant Brit! You know nothing about America, so don't comment on our power grid or tendencies. - Lian-Li PC-7B | XClio Greatpower 550W | P4 3.
arrogant Brit telling us why to NOT vote for George Bush is going to backfire, you stupid, yellow-toothed pansies ...
Arrogant Brit English-Style (Extra Special) Strong Bitter Black Cat Stout Sweet Stout Fat Cat Barley Wine-Style Ale IPA American-Style India Pale Ale Pilsner Bohemian-Style Pilsener
Arrogant Brit? I think that is one of the best "undiscovered" brews in D-town. http://www.catsbrew.